Pack Your Clothes Up the Right Way
One great advantage to packing clothes is that they are not breakable, so you don’t have to worry about wrapping everything carefully with plenty of bubble wrap and packing peanuts. This reduces the amount of trash you will accumulate as you unpack. It also reduces the amount of money you will need to spend on packing material which can add up, in addition to all your other moving-related costs.

Pack Your Delicate Items With Extra Care

However, that doesn’t mean that you can just throw everything into boxes. Some items will require a little extra care, such as your purse collection. Purses can lose their shape if they are flattened, so you will want to pack purses for a move carefully. First, stuff them with crumpled paper or other filler and wrap each purse with a protective dust cover. If your purse didn’t come with a dust cover, you could use a soft towel or even a cotton T-shirt to use as wrapping. Then, place each purse in a box slightly larger than the purse itself.

Keep Important Items Handy

There are a few things to know before you begin to pack up your clothes. For one, you don’t want to pack all of your clothes because you will still need a few things to wear until you get completely moved and begin to unpack your wardrobe. To make it easier to find what you need, pack a separate box or suitcase with a few outfits, including a set of PJs to sleep in. You should also pack other essential items that you need to have handy such as your contacts or glasses (if you need them), makeup, and other toiletry items. Once you have packed your “essentials,” you can pack up everything else that you can live without for a while.

Separate and Organize

The best way to pack clothes for moving is to organize them as you go. This way, you aren’t packing anything up that you really don’t want, and you won’t waste space keeping things you don’t need.

Moving is a great time to reevaluate your wardrobe and think about what you really want to keep. So you pack, have a box handy labeled, “donate,” “unsure,” “sewing,” and even “sell” for higher-end items such as designer clothing that you would like to try selling before giving it away. Then, if you want to think about an item a little longer, pack it up in the “unsure” box and look items in this box over once more when you unpack them.

Any clothing that needs to be mended should be put together until you have time to sew on buttons or fix hems. Or, just have it all gathered so you can run everything over (all at once)to a seamstress.

Freshen Up Your Wardrobe

If you have time, it’s also a good idea to launder clothing that has been sitting in your drawers or closet and collecting dust. That way, you will have one less thing to do when you unpack, and your clothes will be fresh right out of the box.

How to Pack Clothes for Moving

How to move clothes depends somewhat on preference and also how long your clothes will be in storage. There are a couple of different ways to pack clothes. You can leave them on the hangers and fill a large wardrobe box. This is a great option for long-distance moves or if your clothes will be in storage for some time.

You can also leave clothes in their drawers and then take out the drawers of your dressers (for easier moving). For extra protection, you can secure some plastic around the drawers once you remove them. Keep in mind that clothes get heavy, so don’t stuff the box full. This will also help to prevent the hangers from poking through the sides of the box and will also help to reduce wrinkles.

Use Your Clothes as Packing Material

Clothes can also be used to cushion breakables. Simply fill in any spaces with small items such as socks, scarves, or any sized garment that will fill any gaps that won’t wrinkle easily, such as a sweater.