When it comes to moving day, many options can keep track of and tasks that need to be completed. Having a moving day checklist can be a very helpful moving guide and help you avoid forgetting something important.

Visualize Your Moving To-Do List

How to get ready to move will depend on your unique moving conditions, but no matter what your moving style may be, organization weighs importantly. Stress can arrive from moving in part of so many things to remember to do and keep tabs on.

Keep a moving day checklist handy so that you can check things off as you complete them and also so that you can add things as you think of them. You could keep it in a binder along with any other important papers that you want to keep track of during the move. Or, you could keep it in a more central location such as on the fridge or taped to the wall.

A checklist makes it easy to see everything that needs to be done at a glance and can make the colossal task of moving seem much more manageable. Your checklist may have tasks on it, such as change of address, switching over utilities, and anything else that needs to be done to ensure a smooth transition from your old house to your new home.

Pack Up All the Last-Minute Items

Look out for last minute items. You want to have a couple of boxes handy to throw last-minute items such as shower and bathroom items, coffee maker, and anything else in.

You should also pack up any food in your fridge and freezer very last. Try using a cooler. But when moving a short distance, you could pack everything in a box together. Be sure to keep tabs on these boxes since they will need to be put away as soon as they arrive at the new house. Mark all important boxes clearly. Use a personal vehicle for these items, to ensure of locating them when you need them after your moving day.

Pack an Overnight Bag

Pack a suitcase of clothes you will need for your first couple of days at the new house. After a long day of moving, having pajamas and toothbrush readily available can relieve stress. Keep any medications in your suitcase of essentials as well.

Don’t Leave Anything Behind

After you pack everything up, you should go through your empty home one last time. This will ensure you didn’t miss anything in the back of a cabinet or behind a door.

Have Clear Expectations

When the movers arrive, be sure to go over the plan with them, so they know exactly what to do and where you want everything to go. It’s also a good time to go over any special instructions and expectations that you may have. Tell your movers where you will be or leave your contact info with them. This way, they can reach you if they have any questions. You should also do this at your new home so that they know what to do and where you want everything to go.

Take a breather

It’s easy to run yourself ragged with all the things you need to do on moving day. Nevertheless, don’t forget to take a break and refuel. Have a few snacks and grab-and-go meals handy to keep your energy level up. Be sure to drink lots of water as well and especially if you are moving in hot weather. You can prevent heatstroke or muscle cramp when moving due to dehydrated.

You need to prepare for a move well before moving day, but if you do, you will be ready for the big day when it comes. Ideally, the more time you have to plan and get organized, the better, but even if you don’t have much time. A checklist will help to keep you organized and reduce a lot of the stress associated with moving an entire household.